In the final week of our Hope Rising series, Lead Pastor Jeff Krajewski reminds us that as we seek to live as resident aliens, we must remember that our adversary is not flesh and blood.

We are being hunted, like a lion’s prey; we must be encouraged that as we resist, brothers and sisters around the world are as well.

Key verse: 1 Peter 5:8


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This weekend, we're excited to welcome Dr. Dennis Edwards as guest preacher. Dr. Edwards' work has guided our study of 1 Peter and in our eighth message in our Hope Rising series, he'll explore wisdom and humility as Peter describes it in chapter five, verse five.

Key verse: 1 Peter 5:5


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It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and the here and now. But the Christian perspective offers a wider, longer view than just one day, one year, or even one lifetime.

In the seventh installment of our Hope Rising series, lead pastor Jeff Krajewski explores the hope offered by Jesus as not only for this life — but for what God has for us beyond history.

Key verse: 1Peter 4:7


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The project we call Common Ground is approaching its 20-year anniversary. And this weekend Midtown's Lead Pastor, Jeff Krajewski, did a little reflecting on God's provision and vision for the Common Ground family — and what may be in store for the network in the months and years to come.

Key Verse: Matthew 10:26-27


Learn more about all three Common Ground churches:


The more connected we are as a church family, the more obvious and powerful the body of Christ becomes. The Enemy wants to divide us and isolate us in order to disempower our witness... and it’s working.

The Church is where God is beginning to make all things new: To dwell on earth, making us holy and showing His goodness with all nations. We need one another in our pursuit of Christ-likeness.

Key verse: 1Peter 2:5


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In our day, it is possible to call ourselves Christian without having to become like Jesus. Though it may be difficult, we can and must resist going back to our old ways of life--not just for our own sake, but for the sake of the world.

Lead pastor Jeff Krajewski explores what it looks like to look different from the empire, and where our hope comes from.

Key text: 1Peter 1:14-16


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In the second message in our summer series, Hope Rising, lead pastor Jeff Krajewski wrestles with the idea that following in the way of Jesus is a way that brings on sacrifice. While we may work to avoid pain, we can rejoice the suffering we experience is forming us in the likeness of Jesus.


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As God’s people, like Peter’s readers, we are recipients of a new identity, scattered into a pagan society, and called to live in new ways as evidence of a world being made new.

We are always tempted to accommodate to the dominant story of the culture or reject the true story out of fear. Hoping in what we can see is no hope at all.

In the first message in our summer series, Hope Rising, lead pastor Jeff Krajewski digs in to what it means to be filled with Christian hope — and how Peter’s letter is as powerful and important to us today as it was for the early church two millennia ago.


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Happy Easter! Lead pastor Jeff Krajewski shares why Easter is about more than just one day, and takes a look ahead at our new sermon series with a question for all of us:

What is it that we’re clinging to right now?


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He is risen! He is risen indeed!

Easter Sunday is, according to theologian NT Wright, either the most senseless waste and misunderstanding the world has ever seen, or it is the fulcrum around which history turns.

So if we believe it’s the latter… What does that mean for us, today, nearly 2,000 years later?

Lead pastor Jeff Krajewski reflects on how the the Disciples must have felt on that first Easter Sunday, and what the story of Jesus’ resurrection holds for His followers in 2020.


The ancients' practice of Selection Sunday — the day the sacrificial lamb was chosen for Passover — has become our Palm Sunday: The day Jesus entered Jerusalem for the last time.

Lead pastor Jeff Krajewski explores what this means for us, and why a colt and some palm branches became part of a story that changed the world.

Mark your calendar now for our special Good Friday virtual service (6:30pm) and our upcoming Easter Sunday celebration service! Details for both will be in this week's Midtown Connect emails.


This week lead pastor Jeff Krajewski dives into Lament in our newfound reality of social distancing and separation. Gather up, listen in, and make some room to reflect.

Find more Lenten resources and Covid-19 response information at


Our guest for this Sunday's virtual sermon will be Dr. Leah Gunning Francis, the academic dean and dean of faculty at Christian Theological Seminary. She had been scheduled to preach on Lamentations 4 this week and has graciously agreed to join for a conversation on race and ethnicity, and where faith (and the church) meets inequality.


We missed seeing everyone in person this Sunday, and encourage you to take some time to watch our very special virtual sermon with lead pastor Jeff Krajewski and Dr. Michael Twyman.

Dr. Twyman is one of the voices helping to guide us on our journey to becoming a people of reconciliation, and has a keen and unique insight into the causes of and the existing tensions between cultures. Don't miss out on the conversation!

Remember, CG Midtown's offices will be closed until at least Friday, March 20.

Be sure to subscribe to our weekly newsletter at to stay up-to-date on other changes or closures, and follow our friends at the Martin Luther King Community Center to find ways to serve our neighbors during these uncertain times.


Find more Lent resources at


In the first sermon in our lenten series, Lament, lead pastor Jeff Krajewski lays out what’s happening in Jerusalem and Israel in the book of Lamentations — and why it’s our choice for Lent 2020.

Find more Lent resources at

Event information at


In the final installment of our series on Christ-Centered Reconciliation, lead pastor Jeff Krajewski runs the thread through the seven messages so far — The Story, Creation, Rebellion, God’s Called People, Jesus, and God’s Sent People — and what it means for us moving forward in New Creation.

Recap the entire series anytime at

Series artwork provided by Johanna Dix.


In this final worship service in 2019, we wanted to take some time to rest, take inventory, and reflect on the year that was. Listen in on what God has been up to among the congregation and the Midtown spiritual body in the last year!


Advent is the season in the life of the church where we prepare ourselves for the coming of the Christ Child on Christmas day. We reflect on this first coming of Christ as a reminder of God’s enduring love for us, the gift of life we’ve been offered, and that God is still at work in our world today.

This week, we light the candle of Peace and encourage you to…

• Remind someone that God is with them

• Pray for someone troubled with anxiety with the verses from Philippians 4:6-7


Advent is the season in the life of the church where we prepare ourselves for the coming of the Christ Child on Christmas day. We reflect on this first coming of Christ as a reminder of God’s enduring love for us, the gift of life we’ve been offered, and that God is still at work in our world today.

This week, we light the candle of hope and…

  • Ask the Holy Spirit how you could take a first step towards forgiveness and reconciliation with someone that came to mind

  • Pray for the people you need to forgive and reconcile with

  • Attend the Peacemaker Seminar at Common Ground on January 10-11


In Week 10 of our Kingdom Citizens series, lead pastor Jeff Krajewski reflects on Paul’s admonitions in the closing paragraphs of his letter to the church in Philippi.

Key verse: Philippians 4:2-13


Philippians has reminded us that our calling as Christ followers is to live in the way of sacrificial love. If it’s true that the city of Philippi was a little slice of Rome-away-from-Rome then when people encounter us they should experience a little bit of Heaven among us.

Our relationships are an example of that mandate:

When we speak carefully and truthfully to one another.

When we encourage and correct one another.

When we listen and serve one another.

When we esteem and honor one another.

When we consider others before we consider ourselves.

When we give and receive forgiveness and practice repentance and a longing for reconciliation in our community then we are building a Kingdom outpost.

We start to resemble our homeland, a little slice of Heaven on Earth.

Key verse: Philippians 3:15-4:1


If life and faith are a mall, where are you? Listen in as lead pastor Jeff Krajewski examines Paul’s metaphorical food court and gadget acquisition diversions in the eighth message in our Kingdom Citizens series.

Key verse: Philippians 3:1-9


What’s the connection between your power and privilege and your salvation? Lead pastor Jeff Krajewski explores this question and more in this week’s sermon in our Kingdom Citizens series.

Who are the people you work out your salvation with?

What causes grumbling and complaining in your life?

What do you need to change so you can be a “shining star in a crooked and depraved world”?

Key verse: Philippians 2:12-30


This week lead pastor Jeff Krajewski leads us through Paul’s disposition to the Gospel and to three big questions:

1. Are you clear about your power? Where it comes from? How did you receive it?

2. What is your response when that power is threatened? Do you grasp or do you give?

3. Do you have any anxieties connected to your power or privilege?

Key verse: Philippians 2:5-11


In our fall series in Philippians, lead pastor Jeff Krajewski explores what Paul means when he talks about oneness in the first part of a message called, “That We May Be One”.

Key verse: Philippians 2:1-11


We’re continuing in our study of Philippians with a look at Paul’s earnest desire for Christ — in life and death.

Key verse: Philippians 1:19-30


Our fall series in the book of Philippians continues on with a look at Paul’s posture as he’s sitting in a Roman prison. What does it mean to be emotionally healthy when you’re living out the Gospel message?

Key verse: Philippians 1:12-18


We’re continuing our series in Philippians by wrestling with the idea of partnership in the Gospel: Paul found it in the church at Philippi; what will we find in our church in Indianapolis?

Key verses: Philippians 1:1-11


We’re kicking off a new sermon series for the fall called Kingdom Citizens, and this week lead pastor Jeff Krajewski is asking the question: What do I need to do to be saved?

Key verses: Philippians 1:1-3, Acts 16:6-40


This month, we’re exploring CG Midtown’s mission statement through the lens of the book of Matthew and the Sermon on the Mount. Listen in as lead pastor Jeff Krajewski kicks off the new series and explores “We call people of all ages.”

Key verse: Matthew 5:1-15


Listen in as lead pastor Jeff Krajewski explores the opening verses to Proverbs 31, and considers what was going through the mind of the future king’s mother — and what it means for followers of Jesus.

Key verse: Proverbs 31:1-8


Listen in as lead pastor Jeff Krajewski explores the opening verses to Proverbs 31, and considers what was going through the mind of the future king’s mother — and what it means for followers of Jesus.

Key verse: Proverbs 31:1-8


Listen in as lead pastor Jeff Krajewski explores The Prayer of Jabez through a different kind of lens.

Key verse: 1 Chronicles 4:9-10


This week, lead pastor Jeff Krajewski lands the plane on our 2019 Galatians series with a final look at Galatians 6 and a recap of the whole story.


Life in the Spirit means we’re called to build up one another and to reject the false distinctions between us. Join lead pastor Jeff Krajewski in an exploration of Galatians 6:1-6 as we begin to wrap up our For Freedom! series in Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia.

Key Verse: Galatians 6:1-6


What are we called to, when we’re called to live in the Spirit? Lead pastor Jeff Krajewski explores some examples in Life in the Spirit (Part 2).

Key Verse: Galatians 6:1-6


Listen to our 2019 elder commissioning and Jeff's sermonette on eldership in this recap from Sunday, June 2.


For freedom! Listen to the fourth message in our new series on Galatians. This week: Law then Faith? Or Faith then Law? The Theology of Becoming.

Key Verse: Galatians 3:1-14.


For freedom! Listen to the third message in our new series on Galatians. This week: Gospel Advocacy.

Key Verse: Galatians 2:11-20


For freedom! Listen to the second in our sermon series from Paul’s letter to the Galatians.

Key Verse: Galatians 1:10-2:10


For freedom! Listen in as lead pastor Jeff Krajewski introduces our new sermon series from Paul’s letter to the Galatians.

Key Verse: Galatians 1:1-9


Lead Pastor Jeff Krajewski leads us into the new year with our 2019 Vision Talk.

Key Verse: Ephesians 2:14-16

For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, 16 and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. 18 For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.


Listen to the second in our Advent series THE RISK OF ADVENT: WELCOMING THE STRANGER. This week, we light the candle of peace.

Exodus Refugee:


Listen to the second in our Advent series THE RISK OF ADVENT: WELCOMING THE STRANGER. This week, we light the candle of joy.

Bethany Christian Services:


Listen to the second in our Advent series THE RISK OF ADVENT: WELCOMING THE STRANGER.

YFC Lebanon:


Listen to the first in our Advent series THE RISK OF ADVENT: WELCOMING THE STRANGER.

Migros Aid Indy:


Lead Pastor Jeff Krajewski continues on in the ANCIENT PATHS series with a reflection on who really owns our resources — and what that means for us as followers of Christ.


Lead Pastor Jeff Krajewski continues our new series ANCIENT PATHS: WALKING IN THE WAY OF JESUS with a reflection on the rhythms of salvation.

Key Verses:

• Acts 2

• Ephesians 2

• Philippians 2

Jeff Krajewski

In the final week of our Hope Rising series, Lead Pastor Jeff Krajewski reminds us that as we seek to live as resident aliens, we must remember that our adversary is not flesh and blood.

We are being hunted, like a lion’s prey; we must be encouraged that as we resist, brothers and sisters around the world are as well.

Key verse: 1 Peter 5:8

This weekend, we're excited to welcome Dr. Dennis Edwards as guest preacher. Dr. Edwards' work has guided our study of 1 Peter and in our eighth message in our Hope Rising series, he'll explore wisdom and humility as Peter describes it in chapter five, verse five.

Key verse: 1 Peter 5:5

It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and the here and now. But the Christian perspective offers a wider, longer view than just one day, one year, or even one lifetime.

In the seventh installment of our Hope Rising series, lead pastor Jeff Krajewski explores the hope offered by Jesus as not only for this life — but for what God has for us beyond history.

Key verse: 1Peter 4:7

We’re a church on mission, and at CG Midtown that means stepping out in faith with a vision for God’s kingdom on Earth. Hear from Pastor of Formission Jim Matthies as we hear from church plants, Midtown Vision Partners, and community members about how our church and your involvement is making a difference in Indianapolis and around the world.

The more connected we are as a church family, the more obvious and powerful the body of Christ becomes. The Enemy wants to divide us and isolate us in order to disempower our witness... and it’s working.

The Church is where God is beginning to make all things new: To dwell on earth, making us holy and showing His goodness with all nations. We need one another in our pursuit of Christ-likeness.

Key verse: 1Peter 2:5

In our day, it is possible to call ourselves Christian without having to become like Jesus. Though it may be difficult, we can and must resist going back to our old ways of life--not just for our own sake, but for the sake of the world.

Lead pastor Jeff Krajewski explores what it looks like to look different from the empire, and where our hope comes from.

Key text: 1Peter 1:14-16

In the second message in our summer series, Hope Rising, lead pastor Jeff Krajewski wrestles with the idea that following in the way of Jesus is a way that brings on sacrifice. While we may work to avoid pain, we can rejoice the suffering we experience is forming us in the likeness of Jesus.


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Follow us on Instagram: @cgmidtown

He is risen! He is risen indeed!

Easter Sunday is, according to theologian NT Wright, either the most senseless waste and misunderstanding the world has ever seen, or it is the fulcrum around which history turns.

So if we believe it’s the latter… What does that mean for us, today, nearly 2,000 years later?

In this final worship service in 2019, we wanted to take some time to rest, take inventory, and reflect on the year that was. Listen in on what God has been up to among the congregation and the Midtown spiritual body in the last year!

  • 1.
    Hope Rising Week 9 / Remember the Real Enemy / Jeff Krajewski / August 16, 2020
  • 2.
    Hope Rising Week 8 / The Wisdom of Humility and Submission / Dr. Dennis Edwards / August, 9, 2020
  • 3.
    Hope Rising Week 7 / Keeping the End in Mind / Jeff Krajewski / August 2, 2020
  • 4.
    CG Network Unity Message / Jeff Krajewski / July 12, 2020
  • 5.
    Hope Rising Week 4 / Church is Not Optional / Jeff Krajewski / July 5, 2020
  • 6.
    Hope Rising Week 3 / Holiness Counts / Jeff Krajewski / June 28, 2020
  • 7.
    Hope Rising Week 2 / Jeff Krajewski / June 21, 2020
  • 8.
    Hope Rising Week 1 / Hope-Filled Aliens / Jeff Krajewski / June 14, 2020
  • 9.
    Knowing Jesus Week 1 / Jeff Krajewski / April 19, 2020
  • 10.
    Easter Sunday / Jeff Krajewski / April 12, 2020
  • 11.
    Palm Sunday / Jeff Krajewski / April 5, 2020
  • 12.
    Lent Week 5 / Jeff Krajewski / March 29, 2020
  • 13.
    Lamentations 4 / Lent 2020 Week 4 / March 22, 2020
  • 14.
    Lamentations 3 / Lent 2020 Week 3 / March 15, 2020
  • 15.
    Lamentations 1 / Lent 2020 Week 1 / March 1, 2020
  • 16.
    New Creation / Christ-Centered Reconciliation Week 7 / February 23, 2020
  • 17.
    On Reflection / December 29, 2019
  • 18.
    The Prince of Peace / Advent Week 4: Peace / December 22, 2019
  • 19.
    The Prince of Peace / Advent Week 1 / December 1, 2019
  • 20.
    Living Centered Lives in Christ / Kingdom Citizens Week 10 / November 10, 2019
  • 21.
    Stand Firm / Kingdom Citizens Week 9 / November 3, 2019
  • 22.
    You Are Here / Kingdom Citizens Week 8 / October 27, 2019
  • 23.
    Working Out Our Salvation / Kingdom Citizens Week 7 / October 20, 2019
  • 24.
    The Power and Privilege of Christ / Kingdom Citizens Week 6 / October 13, 2019
  • 25.
    That We May Be One, Part 1 / Kingdom Citizens E5 / October 6, 2019
  • 26.
    Living and Dying / Kingdom Citizens E4 / September 29, 2019
  • 27.
    Emotionally Healthy Apostleship / Kingdom Citizens E3 / September 22, 2019
  • 28.
    The Joy and Blessing of Gospel Partnership / Kingdom Citizens E2 / September 15, 2019
  • 29.
    What Must I Do to Be Saved? / Kingdom Citizens E1 / September 8, 2019
  • 30.
    Belonging Week 1 / Aug 4th 2019
  • 31.
    / Be Brave Week 4 / July 28, 2019
  • 32.
    Raising Kingdom Citizens / Be Brave Week 3 / July 21, 2019
  • 33.
    A Brave Prayer / Be Brave Week 1 / July 7, 2019
  • 34.
    Galatians 6 / Galatians Week 13 / June 30, 2019
  • 35.
    Galatians 6:1-6 / Galatians Week 12 / June 23, 2019
  • 36.
    Life in the Spirit (Part 2) / Galatians Week 11 / June 16, 2019
  • 37.
    Elder Commissioning / June 2, 2019
  • 38.
    Galatians/ February 3rd, 2019
  • 39.
    Galatians/ January 27, 2019
  • 40.
    Galatians/ January 20, 2019
  • 41.
    Galatians/ January 13, 2019
  • 42.
    Vision: January 6, 2019
  • 43.
    The Risk of Advent: Welcoming the Stranger - Week 4
  • 44.
    The Risk of Advent: Welcoming the Stranger - Week 3
  • 45.
    The Risk of Advent: Welcoming the Stranger - Week 2
  • 46.
    The Risk of Advent: Welcoming the Stranger - Week 1
  • 47.
    ANCIENT PATHS: A Theology of Ownership - November 11, 2018
  • 48.
    ANCIENT PATHS: Repent & Remember - October 28, 2018
View All