midtown eldersmidtownelders

“As a fellow elder, I appeal to you: Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you. Watch over it willingly, not grudgingly—not for what you will get out of it, but because you are eager to serve God.”
1 Peter 5:2

The elders at Common Ground Midtown shepherd the people, vision, finances, and partnerships of the church. Collectively, the elders carry the responsibility and authority of the church, and steward the spiritual, relational, and financial health of the church body. They pursue God’s will for the church through a Spirit-led process of discernment and through consensus decision making.

They delegate leadership to staff and ministry teams to carry out ministry initiatives and work closely with staff and those teams to ensure unity in vision and mission. Ultimately, the eldership strives to be faithful in carrying out the mission we believe God has for our church: To call people of all ages to be formed into the image of Jesus so that we can love our neighbors in Indianapolis and around the world.

Please reach out to our elders with individual emails below or collectively at: elders-midtown@cground.org

Tim Dooley
Tim Dooley

Co-Lead Elder

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David Raes
David Raes

Co-Lead Elder

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Beth Crum
Beth Crum


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Liz Donaldson
Liz Donaldson


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Olivia Hawbaker VanDuyn
Olivia Hawbaker VanDuyn


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Jeff Krajewski
Jeff Krajewski

Lead Pastor, Elder

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Danielle Madrazo
Danielle Madrazo


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Jim Matthies
Jim Matthies


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Jim Morris
Jim Morris


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Alex Overhiser
Alex Overhiser


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Shannon Wildman
Shannon Wildman


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