Stewardship (n): the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care
There is great responsibility in carefully managing that which God has entrusted to our care, including our tithes and offerings. God is the giver of all of the good gifts of creation and invites us to take good care of those gifts. Stewardship is about cultivating a spirit of generosity that honors God and transforms our communities by inviting us to participate actively in the unfolding story of faith, hope, and transformation in our lives and the lives of others. The discipline of tithing is a practice that helps to keep our hearts aligned with God’s heart in stewarding the resources he has given to us.
We invite you to join in our mission to call people of all ages to be formed in the image of Jesus, so we can love our neighbors in Indianapolis and around the world. Please consider partnering with us in this important work by making a financial gift today.
Online - via our secure giving site
By check - set up automatically through your bank or mail a check directly to 4550 N Illinois St. Indianapolis, IN 46208 (make checks out to Common Ground Christian Church)
In person - via our offering box located in the vestibule of the church to the right of the bathrooms
With a stock donation - email for our brokerage information
We have provided for you our most recent financial information so that you can see how the church allocates funds that are given.
We invite you to join with us in fulfilling our mission through giving online using the link above. Thank you for your partnership in the gospel!
Below is the most recent financial information for Common Ground Midtown. If you have additional questions, or would like to see older reports, please contact our director of operations, Melissa Larcom, at
Have questions about how to view or update your giving info? Please click here for instructions.