midtown mission trips

Uganda Mission Trip
In June 2024, a group of rising juniors and seniors will take a trip to Uganda (along with various youth ministry leaders and other ministry partners) to spend time with our partner Otino Waa (PATH International). The focus of the trip will be learning from our mission partners, while allowing students to explore how God is moving in their lives. 

Mission Trip Ideas?
Here are just a few to consider. If you have a different trip in mind that you’d like to take with your family, friends or House Church, just let us know. We would love to dream along with you! To express interest in listed trips or for further application information, please contact mission@cground.org.

Why Mission Trips?
We go to join with God in what He is doing in the world and to share the love of Christ through what we say and do.

Some trips will have project and outreach focuses, but always we go to love and serve, rather than fix. We desire to broaden our perspective and understanding as we engage with God and His love for people in different nations and cultures.

We hope our Mission Trips have a lasting impact on the people we go to serve, and on our lives as well. In our daily routines and rhythms, we may not always have the time or opportunity to spend extended time with God and pray with a missional focus.

Mission Trips provide this context, for people not only to go and serve, but to encounter God in a fresh way and dream about ways to impact the world for Christ.

Have an Idea? 
Please contact mission@cground.org if you have a mission trip idea, or want to learn more about mission trips at CG Midtown.


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