Life in God’s kingdom is an invitation to participate in a new community that is living in the way of Jesus. In words, in order to experience deep spiritual formation in our lives, we need other people on the journey with us to encourage and challenge us. Below are three contexts to experience this type of community:

House Church or Small Group (HC-SG)
“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” - Acts 2:42

What is the vision for House Church or Small Groups? 
In the spirit of Acts 2:42-27, the vision of a HC-SG is to be “a community of people seeking together to orient their lives around the person and way of Jesus."

How would you define a HC-SG?
HC-SG are relational contexts where “church” happens. It is the primary place for pastoral care, community connection, discipleship, and mission encouragement. HC-SG comprises of 8-16 people of all ages who meet consistently and encourage the importance of “walking alongside each other” in every season of life. 

The primary difference between a HC and SG is the length of the group. Small groups commit to 3-4 months together, with the possibility of continuing. House churches tend to be together for 2-3 years.

What is the next step to connect in a HC-SG?
First, please attend Intro to CG and a Foundations group. After participating in Intro to CG and Foundations, please email Jim Matthies to get placed in a HC-SG.

Triad/Quad Groups
“…a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.” - Ecclesiastes 4:12

What is the vision for Triad Groups?
Ecclesiastes 4:12 says, “A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.” Following the wisdom of this verse, the vision for Triad Groups is to provide a simple and sustainable context for spiritual friendship and formation at CG Midtown.

How would you define a Triad Group?
A Triad is a group of 3-4 people who are pursuing spiritual friendship, each person helping the other persons to grow in their faith by providing consistent space to pay attention to what God is up to in each other’s lives. 

What is the next step to connect in a Triad Group?
First, please attend Intro to CG and a Foundations group. After participating in Intro to CG and Foundations, please register for a Triad by clicking here. After your Triad Group is formed, participants will be given Soo-Inn Tan’s book 3-2-1: Following Jesus in Threes.

For more information about Triad Groups, please email Jim Matthies.

Category: 3 Community Groups

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