Take Good Care

Stewarding the Good Gifts of Creation

The first two chapters of Genesis tell the story of God’s intentions for creation. He had a plan for how the world would function and, upon completion of His creative design, He said that it was good. God set humankind in this space as caretakers and stewards of this good plan. Genesis 3 tells the story of how humankind rebelled against God’s good design and how the current state of creation is experiencing death and chaos. The rest of the Scriptures tell the story of God’s activity within creation to bring about redemption and restoration. In the person of Jesus, God has brought into our world the possibility of new creation and a mandate for those who follow Jesus to return to their vocation as caretakers of the good gifts of creation.

In the book, The Age of Authenticity, Charles Taylor writes, "The great challenge of the modern world and secularism is to locate authority in the self. Each of us has our own way of realizing our humanity and that it is important to live our own authentic self, resisting the authority of culture, religion, previous generations, politics or institutions."

The scriptural narrative provides a trustworthy and transcendent vision for what God intends. God alone, as the author of all things, has the authority and, therefore, we locate our identity in His vision for us and the world. The Gospel of Jesus is both an invitation and demonstration of what it looks like to submit to God’s vision for the flourishing of all creation. In this series, we explore what it looks like for us to be caretakers of God’s good creation.


Missed a sermon? Catch up on the series now!


Week 1 / “Made for Rest”
January 7, 2024

Week 3 / “Journey to Desire”
January 21, 2024

Week 5 / “Words of Life”
February 4, 2024

Week 7 / “Take Good Care of Our Calling Part 1”
Guest Preacher: David Bell / February 18, 2024

Week 9 / “Take Good Care of Our Witness Part 1”
March 3, 2024

Week 11 / “Take Good Care of Our Citizenship Part 1”
Guest Preacher: Kaitlyn Schiess / March 17, 2024

Week 13 / Easter Sunday
March 31, 2024

Week 15 / “Take Good Care of Our Sexuality”
April 14, 2024

Week 17 / “Take Good Care of Our Church Family”
April 28, 2024

Week 19 / “Taking Good Care of Our Friendships”
May 12, 2024

Week 21 / “Taking Good Care of Our Mental Health”
May 26, 2024

Week 2 / “Made for Companionship, Work, & Worship”
January 14, 2024

Week 4 / “Curses and Consequences”
January 28, 2024

Week 6 / PDF Sermon Notes (no video available)
February 11, 2024

Week 8 / “Take Good Care of Our Calling Part 2”
February 25, 2024

Week 10 / “Take Good Care of Our Witness Part 2”
March 10, 2024

Week 12 / “Take Good Care of Our Citizenship Part 2”
March 24, 2024

Week 14 / “Take Good Care of Our Relationships”
April 7, 2024

Week 16 / “Take Good Care of Our Singleness”
April 21, 2024

Week 18 / “Taking Good Care of Our Marriages”
May 5, 2024

Week 20 / Graduation Sunday
May 19, 2024