midtown team recruitment

admin team • seeking 2-3 members

The admin team is empowered by the elders to function as the legal agent of the church to oversee and approve business transactions of Common Ground Midtown. The admin team is comprised of the director of operations, the lead pastor, at least one non-staff elder, and other selected individuals who demonstrate sustained commitment to the mission of Common Ground Midtown to call people of all ages to be formed in the image of Jesus, so we can love our neighbors in Indianapolis and around the world.

Read the admin team Roles & Responsibilities document here.

The admin team is seeking candidates with experience in serving on a board of directors, and/or in the fields of HR, accounting, law, insurance, or property management, and with spiritual gifts in governance or administration.

The Midtown admin team uses 1 Timothy 3:8-13 as a standard for the character of team members: worthy of respect – sincere – not indulging in much wine – not pursuing dishonest gain – holding the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience – temperate – trustworthy – faithful to spouse – manages his/her household well.

Staff representative: Melissa Larcom


application + nomination process

Applications will be accepted through July 15:

  1. Review the Roles & Responsibilities Documents (see above)

  2. IF NOMINATING ANOTHER PERSON: Speak to your nominee before submitting a nomination form (found above) to ensure they are willing and ready to commit to team membership. Completed nomination forms can be emailed to midtown-admin@cground.org or dropped off in the mailbox in the office area at CG Midtown. Nominees will be contacted by a staff representative and provided with an application to complete.

  3. IF SELF-NOMINATING: Please complete the application form (found above). Completed applications can be emailed to midtown-admin@cground.org or dropped off in the mailbox area at CG Midtown.

  4. Qualified applicants will be contacted for an interview with two current team members, where expectations and opportunities will be reviewed and the applicant will be able to have questions answered.

  5. The admin team will enter a period of reflection and discernment, and the team will make recommendations to the elders for new team members. After accepting team membership, new members will be announced to the congregation.