ServLife VBS Trip to Nepal
Vision Partner ServLife is hosting a Vacation Bible School Vision Trip to Southeast Asia November 8-19.
The team will facilitate a VBS at the children’s homes in Kathmandu and west Nepal, and spend time encouraging local staff in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Space is limited to 12 participants, and those with skills and/or gifts in teaching, encouragement or working with children are encouraged to apply.
The approximate cost to join the trip is $3300 and the deadline to apply is July 31. For full trip details, please visit ServLife's website.
Service Opportunity: Str8Up Ministries
Str8Up Ministries needs volunteers to help repair and improve their campground on 64th Street on weekdays and Saturdays throughout June and July. Individuals or house churches can email Jeff Reichanader for details.
Below are a few pictures from a recent School 43 field trip to the camp.
Following the Sermon Series
During our worship services in June & July we will be walking in the book of Numbers. This book is about the people of God in transition. They are no longer in Egypt, but they are not yet in the Promised Land. Central to the story is the presence of God among the people and their response to YAHWEH. As Common Ground shifts from being a Network of churches to becoming independent congregations as part of the Common Ground family we find ourselves at Midtown in transition and God is central to our story as well. We encourage you to read through the stories in Numbers during the week.
Below is the reading plan for the summer:</>
June 11: Numbers 1-8
June 18: Numbers 8-9
June 25: Numbers 10-12
July 2: Numbers 13-19
July 9: Numbers 20-27
July 16: Numbers 28-33
July 23: Numbers 33-36
Have questions? Please contact Jeff Reichanadter.